My sister and closest friend...

I have put this page up because I know that there are a lot of friends and family overseas who would love to see some recent photos of Kimmy,  read some of her poetry and read some of the special things people have written about her since she died. 

Kimmy was found lying peacefully in her bed on August 6th 2002,
 after a long struggle with eating disorders and heroin.

I love you and miss you so much

This is the obituary that my parents wrote....

Kimmy waited until the video was in position before she took her first steps.

"I remember how striking and beautiful Kim's presence is in my mind. My guess is that some children are more illuminated - loud, precocious, intense-almost as though they're permanently tailed by a spotlight. I don't think I'd ever met anyone so expressive, or anyone whose passion and conviction so outshook their tiny limbs and high-set pigtails.
Debra Shulkes

She went to King David School, Wesley and Korowa where she was known for her special singing talent. 

At nine years old, Kimmy won First Prize at the Moomba Talent Quest by singing "The Rose".  Hosted by Shane Bourne and judged by "Hey Hey it's Saturday" celebrities.. Red Symons asked if she was a 40 year old midget, because her voice was so incredibly mature!

Her most special theatrical performances were in Little Lord Fauntleroy and Seven Little Australians at Rippon Lea. We will never forget the time she stepped in with 2 hours notice to play the role of Margot in The Diary of Anne Frank when her sister Melanie took ill.

Kimmy went to Israel in 1998 after completing her VCE and spent 6 months at Kibbutz Kfar Hanassi engaged in the "Israel through Drama" course. She was so happy to visit Kibbutz Be'eri where her parents Margie and Barry had met as volunteers after the 1967 war.

Kimmy studied massage and natural medicine and was very giving with her healing skills. She loved the sea, the sky, the rainforest, essential oils, incense, and the power of her hands.

Kimmy loved her sister and best friend Melanie, with whom she shared all her secrets.

"There were so many facets to Kimmy, so much talent, so much energy, so much spirit, so much pain." Meredith Ciddor

Kimmy had been plagued since she was 13 by anorexia and bulimia. She used drugs to escape the constant pain and insanity of this eating disorder. Horrifically she finally used heroin. She told us that she was seduced by the "feeling of nothingness" that this devil provided. Still she fought on with her families love and support because this never divided us. We fought together to save her.

"when time and again her determination to overcome the despair of finding that a new dawn of hope proved false, Kimmy fought on but the demons reigned again. Her great courage should be her epitaph" George Ney, Kibbutz Kfar Hanassi.

Three weeks before her fatal overdose Kimmy started working as a kindergarten assistant. She loved it and was planning to study "Early Childhood Teaching" next year. She so impacted on the teachers in such a brief time that they wrote "she was truly a wingless angel walking on this earth." She requested longer working hours the day before she died.

Kimmy left so much behind for us. She wrote beautiful poems and songs that left a permanent impression on all that heard her sing. Kimmy gave tirelessly to those around her even when she had so little left to give herself. We have spoken to many who credit Kimmy as the inspiration for their own recovery but she was losing her own battle. Kimmy used heroin 4 times in the last 14 months but the last time proved fatal.

Time and again she told us that it was only her love for her family that gave her the strength to keep fighting. Sadly in the end this was not enough.

She lit up our lives.


The following is a poem Kimmy wrote four years ago. Somehow I managed to read it at her funeral. For those who only remember Kimmy as a child.. this may help you understand the sort of pain she'd been living with over the last few years..


I once believed that I could fly
a mammoth journey
beyond the extreme of soaring
I would fly
The point was to go crazy
the rush came from within
magnify emotions
eliminate aspects of sin because we flew.
I once believed that I was flying
up until I fell
the fall began so slowly
I still believed that I could fly
past the magnified emotions
up into a better sky,
Take the pill
enjoy the rush
take the pill
enjoy the rush
Not a poison but a juice
through the feud create a truce
I once believed that I could fly
and then I fell.
As though a stranger from afar
had cast a spell.
Where was my mind, where was the jewel
why had it turned on me so cruel
I tried to fight and to ignore
the pain that burnt right through my core
although I knew what lay in store
I once believed that I could fly
until I fell.
I longed for answers to my questions
a quick fix for all my strain
I saw myself an ugly stranger
so severe I pricked a vein
I still believed that I could fly
until I fell.
Pump the muscles
pump them tight
cut more flesh
to make it right
flashing light
sound the fight
is this madness
this great height
Am I flying?
Is that right
If this is flying then I think I'd rather fall
for what was flying turned to lying, so much
crying, frying, dying,
and my brain just cannot handle
any more.



 We all fought so hard to save her.

 This is the Mothers Day card she gave mum this year...




Kimmy and I (she's on the right) when I competed at the Midsumma Dance Comp in January 2002
With Dad and I this time...
she was genuinely happy that day.
 She'd been doing so well.. and she really was so proud of me!
Kimmy in January '98..
performing in "Seven Little Australians"
at Rippon Lea Gardens  
Performing at "The Last Laugh",
as part of the Next Wave Festival 

when she was 11 years old
In Israel.. 1997
At The Golan Heights, Israel
Backpacking through the Northern Territory, Australia
Kimmy's acting headshot from when
 she was 14 years old
With Peter McNamara.. after she won 
an "Under 9" Tennis Competition
Playing tennis at our old house
Her 5th birthday party :)
Kimmy & I in 1982, at Club Med Noumea.

Children had to be 4 yrs old to be in the Mini Club.. she was only 3.5.. 
so we told her to say that she was 4.

When the staff asked how old she was, she replied..
"I'm four in Noumea, but only three in Melbourne"

It wasn't long before she was returned to our parents!
Kimmy and I in November 1980.. She was always the exhibitionist!

Click Here To Listen To Kimmy Singing




"Angel", By Sarah McLachlan.. 
Please click here for lyrics


Last Changed  22/12/2016